My name is Nina Russo and I am an aspiring photographer. Photography is something I was always interested in but got serious about it in 2008 when I received my first Digital SLR camera as a gift. What started as a hobby quickly turned into a passion for creating art with my camera. Photographs have always been a cherished possession for me and I want to create these captured memories for others. Right now I am practicing and learning as much as I can. I would love to do a free photo shoot for you or someone you know. Just contact me for more info! ( Hope you enjoy this little space for me to show off my photos!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Baby Einstens's

My beautiful nephew is obsessed with this one Baby Einstein's video that he watches every night before bed time. Try to put him to bed without watching it and he will scream bloody murder! I find it so amazing how hypnotized he gets when he watches it. He holds onto his toes or folds his little hands together. Unfortunately for the rest of us, we can now recite the whole movie. We know all his favorite parts and sing along to all the songs and hum along with the music. One night I grabbed my camera so when he's older and denies he ever watched it I can show him the proof! : )


  1. Hahaha! Something tells me that last sentence was totally directed at me! :D

  2. Hahaha yes, ma'am!! I looked into the future and saw him totally denying this video's existence!!
