My name is Nina Russo and I am an aspiring photographer. Photography is something I was always interested in but got serious about it in 2008 when I received my first Digital SLR camera as a gift. What started as a hobby quickly turned into a passion for creating art with my camera. Photographs have always been a cherished possession for me and I want to create these captured memories for others. Right now I am practicing and learning as much as I can. I would love to do a free photo shoot for you or someone you know. Just contact me for more info! ( Hope you enjoy this little space for me to show off my photos!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh My!!

Thanks to my sister Joanna word got around that I was offering free shoots as a means of practice and through a chain of people I was connected with Michelle & Edgar who just happened to be looking for a photographer for their wedding. They are getting married in June and I am happy to say they will be my first bride and groom and I am honored to be trusted with photographing their special day :) On our first meeting we discussed engagement photos and they asked my thoughts about shooting with "live animals". Of course, I was thinking they wanted to take pictures with their dog or maybe a cat or two but they had other plans. It turns out that friends of theirs have a beautiful wildlife preserve in Homestead, FL (check them out at ) We headed down there and I had the amazing opportunity of shooting them with four beautiful tigers and one adorable (and very large) lion. They were wonderful animals and very professional models. :) I was amazed at how sweet and loving they all were. It really was an amazing experience. I have a lot of work to do on the photos but I couldn't help but post a few for a little sneak preview :) Hope you enjoy!!


  1. I Love the Lion Face it is wonderful.. So and the rest

  2. Nina, these photos are amazing! I mean, your photos are always amazing, but wow, these are incredible! I can't wait to see them when you're done editing! :-) You really are incredibly talented and brave! :-)
