My name is Nina Russo and I am an aspiring photographer. Photography is something I was always interested in but got serious about it in 2008 when I received my first Digital SLR camera as a gift. What started as a hobby quickly turned into a passion for creating art with my camera. Photographs have always been a cherished possession for me and I want to create these captured memories for others. Right now I am practicing and learning as much as I can. I would love to do a free photo shoot for you or someone you know. Just contact me for more info! ( Hope you enjoy this little space for me to show off my photos!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Turning [1]

Little Miss Madison is turning one and her mom was in need of some photos for her birthday party invitions... In comes Nina :) This was my first run at making a little makeshift studio set up. It was an interesting experience and I think it came out alright. I wanted to give them a little sneak peek at some of the shots... hope you guys like them!!!!


  1. i love them and can't wait to see the rest! thank you for taking pictures of my crazy niece :)

  2. Great job on the makeshift studio, did you use a sheet? Looks like you guys had a ton of fun!
